Mosaic Family of Churches Global Impact

Explore missions with Mosaic Seattle, Mosaic North and Mosaic Eastside.
Why missions?

We care about missions because Jesus cares about missions! We want to be a people who go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded us (Matthew 28:19) because we believe in the power we've received through the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses in our workplaces, neighborhoods, Seattle, Edmonds, Bellevue and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Short Term Missions

Each year, we send out servant-hearted teams to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit by boldly preaching the gospel of Jesus through service, evangelism and church planting.

We've served all over the world in countries like Dominican Republic, South Africa, Mongolia, Mexico, Uganda, Thailand, and others to share the love of Jesus and meet the needs of His people. Each of our teams partners with long term workers in these countries to establish lasting impact for God's glory.

Long Term Missions

Is God calling you to move to a nation to spread His kingdom to the ends of the earth? The process of becoming a Mosaic missionary looks different for every individual or couple but always includes participating in the Mosaic Training School. We encourage you to reach out to your local pastor if you're interested in being a long term missionary.

Mosaic Training School

Mosaic Training School students read through the Bible, practically apply what is read to their lives, pray, worship and fast. Local leaders and guest speakers from around the world teach our students and challenge them to activate what is learned in the classroom out in the community through outreach, serving the church, serving the city and taking part in both a state-side and overseas outreach trip.

Regardless of their vocation or location, we take time to equip and release faithful disciples of Jesus to impact their contexts. Mosaic Training School is our primary mechanism for this equipping.

Through this school, students are set up to grow in their relationships with God, gain a better understanding of their identities, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to advance God's Kingdom in our city, our nation and the entire earth.

Mobile Outreach

This team of people are passionate about loving God and loving the people in Seattle. Every Tuesday night, this team gathers warm food and winter gear and they go to homeless encampments in our city to build relationship and share the love of Jesus.

Are you passionate about loving Jesus and sharing his hope with people? Do you want to grow in seeing our city the way Jesus does? Click the link below to contact the Mobile Outreach team for more information.